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We are here to help your workplace overcome the barriers between deaf and hard-of-hearing employees and their hearing colleagues!

Latest News

ASLatWork is currently offering online ASL instruction!  
We can use your choice of videoconferencing platform for our virtual class sessions. Students can benefit more from classroom interaction and video exercises, as well as live signing practice with our instructors, all of whom are fluent ASL signers. 
MIG, Metropolitan Interpreting Group, a Maryland-based ASL interpreting service agency, and ASLatWork continue to collaborate with excellent teamwork and results.
Welcome our new colleagues!
ASLatWork  continues to hire top-notch instructors and trainers through 2024!   We look forward to expanding our pool of qualified professionals in order to meet the growing demand for workplace training in the Washington, DC area and elsewhere.

Take a look at the videos to get an idea what our training programs are like.


All your questions answered by our experts

Hospitals & Clinics

If your medical facility receives Deaf and hard-of-hearing patients and visitors regularly, we highly recommend that we work together to set up a routine training program for certain medical personnel such as nurses and doctors.  Our curriculum for ASL classes at medical facilities are tailored with incorporation of common medical and facility related signs.

Individualized Learning

If your organization is looking for individualized ASL tutorial sessions for one person rather than having a class, you have found us.  Yes, we can do that as well - it is done only online for the time being.

Law Enforcement Agencies

ASLatWork desires to make a positive difference in our community - we hope to work with more law enforcement agencies to teach police officers and officials how to properly interact with Deaf citizens, gain more effective communication with Deaf citizens, and sign communication, and understand more cultural information.  

Some of our Clients
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