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Frequently Asked Questions









How long does it take to learn Sign Language?

​It really varies from person to person.  Just like that not everyone can draw a good picture or sing.  It depends on you.  However, to be fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) with no background with it, you would need to take five levels of ASL courses and to participate in a variety of signing environment where you have the opportunity to socialize with people who use ASL naturally or regularly.  If you work with a Deaf individual whose native language is ASL for the purpose of having a conversation, your chance of becoming near-fluent is possible with the help of our training program coupled with your daily interaction with the person.


I was told that there are more than one kind of Sign Language.  Which kind would I learn with from training course?

​We teach American Sign Language that is widely used by Deaf Americans.  However, our instructors will always try to match with your deaf/hard-of-hearing co-workers' signing style when teaching your ASL course.  We do not teach SIgned English or use voice while signing (simulatenous communication - "SimCom").



What kind of schedule do you offer?

​First and foremost, we will try hard to accommodate your desired training course schecdule with our instructor.  For on-site ASL classes, we typically meet twice a week, running for several weeks.  We encourage you to have a 24-hour program for each beginner's and intermediate courses.  For example, two 2-hour sessions weekly for six weeks or two 1.5-hour sessions weekly for 8 weeks.  For the one-time Deaf awareness seminar, we offer a 2-hour seminar anytime throughout the day.



Who are your instructors and trainers?

All of our instructors, Deaf and hearing alike, are professionals with years of experience in providing instructional and interpreting services in the workplace.  The majority of our Sign Language instructors carry a degree in teaching ASL coupled with experience in higher education ASL teaching.  However, we adjust our approach from academia to human resources development when it comes to workplace training.




What is your geographic area?

​We primarily cover the metropolitan Washington, D.C. and Baltimore areas, but can travel to neighboring states and major cities in the East Coast if special arrangements can be made with appropriate schedule.  

We have a reliable network of experienced ASL instructors and Deaf awareness presenters across the USA.




What is your rate and how do we pay?

We accept either credit card, PayPal, and government/business or cashier's check.  We use electronic invoicing and secure payment processing.  Our rate varies, depending on length of service or training duration, location, and assignment of a professional instructor/trainer.  Client can request us to submit a cost proposal following an information interview on client's specific needs via email or phone.  




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