Where communication & cultural barriers have no place.
Our Specialized Programs
We offer three types of specialized services: 1] Tailor-made on-site and remote American Sign Language (ASL) classes, 2] Deaf Awareness seminars and workshops at your location, and 3] ASL translation - video-to-text or text-to-video.

On-site and remote
Sign Language Classes

Deaf Awareness Seminars and Workshops

ASL-English Video Translation
Through our collaboration, we can offer on-site or remote Sign Language course(s) by working with your training coordinator/center or human resources development office. Your classes can be held at your building or any other place of your choice in the Washington, DC and Baltimore metro areas; we will accommodate your choice of class schedule. For virtual classes, we primarily use either Zoom or ZoomGov as our platform.
Our flair is developing a task-oriented, tailored curriculum incorporating agency-related terminology/signs and communication situations with an emphasis of natural approach of teaching. Nearly all of our instructors are Deaf and native ASL users with years of experience in Sign Language education.
This one-time seminar is great for any workplace that recently hired or plans to hire a new Deaf employee and where the other employees need to learn more about Deaf culture in general such as getting a Deaf person's attention properly and working effectively with Sign Language interpreters. You can opt for a more intensive training such as mediation or improving teamwork between Deaf employees and their hearing co-workers when there may be recurring miscommunication or misconception about anything relating to deafness, Deaf culture, or American Sign Language. Both on-site and virtual.
If you are looking for an ASL expert to provide translating service for your specific needs, you have found us! Below are the two ways of what we can do for you in this service:
Translate ASL from a recorded video to English text or recorded voice.
Translate English text to a recorded ASL video for your public announcements on your website. This makes your website accessible to your Deaf and hard of hearing visitors.